Decision-Making: Why Smart Leaders Do Dumb Things [VIDEO]

There are a lot of examples of people who are perhaps smart, but not smart all the time. Here are five reasons smart leaders sometimes do dumb things.

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Meeting Effectiveness: 4 Different Types of Meetings & Why It Matters [VIDEO]

Have you ever been sitting in a meeting wondering why you are there? This feeling is common and often happens because the meeting type was not communicated. Here are four meeting types and why it’s important to communicate the type before starting a meeting.

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Group Decision-Making: How to Build Consensus & Ensure You Are Change-Ready

Changes often bring conflict. But you can save yourself a lot of headaches by building consensus before you implement a decision. Here’s how to build consensus and how to determine if you are ready to implement the change.

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Decision-Making: 4 Aspects of Making Great Decisions [VIDEO]

Don’t you wish you could have your own Magic 8-Ball that would tell you how to make the perfect decision? Although that isn’t possible, here are four time-tested aspects of decision-making that leaders can focus on to make great decisions.

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