Leadership Model: Are You a Cheerleader, Drill Sergeant, or Coach? [VIDEO]

What is your leadership model? Some see themselves as cheerleaders – encouraging their team. Others as drill sergeants – pushing their people. But what about a sports coach who encourages but also challenges? Here are five ways to get the most from your team.

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Innovation: How To Make Innovation Part of Your Leadership [VIDEO]

What do these brands have in common? Kodak, Nokia, Yahoo, AOL, and Blockbuster. They failed to innovate. Here are four ways leaders can encourage innovation in their organization.

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Family Legacies in the Workplace [VIDEO]

Many organizations proudly say, “We are just like family!” This can have benefits, but it can also bring challenges. Here are six complexities that are caused by bringing our family legacies into the workplace and what to do about it.

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