Leadership: 4 Directions You Need to Lead [VIDEO]

“What is the most difficult aspect of leadership?” I get asked this frequently. In my opinion, it is the four directions of leadership – leading yourself, leading lateral, leading up, and leading down. Here are best practices to manage each of them well.

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Innovation: How To Make Innovation Part of Your Leadership [VIDEO]

What do these brands have in common? Kodak, Nokia, Yahoo, AOL, and Blockbuster. They failed to innovate. Here are four ways leaders can encourage innovation in their organization.

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Employee Engagement: How to Improve Employee Engagement

80% of leaders say they frequently express appreciation, but only 20% of employees agree. Here are five ways to increase employee engagement and benefit from a more engaged workforce.

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Culture: Why Culture Matters [VIDEO]

The Villanova men's basketball team won two national championships in three years. How did they do it? They focused on their culture. Here are four reasons why a strong culture matters and how to implement it in your organization.

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Feedback: How to Handle Feedback as a Leader [VIDEO]

“Can I give you some feedback?” Those six words can be hard to hear, especially for those in leadership. Here are five ways to handle feedback as a leader.

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Leadership Mistake: 4 Mistakes Leaders Make [VIDEO]

Our mistakes actually teach people more about leadership than the successes we've had. Watch this video to learn four mistakes leaders make, that I made, and what we can learn from them.

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Grit: 6 Ways to Lead with Grit [VIDEO]

Success in leadership takes more than talent, a high IQ, wealth, or good looks. It takes grit – the ability to persevere when faced with challenges. Watch this video to learn 6 ways to lead with grit and become more effective in your leadership.

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