Change: How to Lead Change Effectively

Leading change isn’t easy, just ask any leader. But successful leaders will tell you that the risk is worth it. Here are six principles for leading change effectively.

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Family Business: Stewarding a Family-Owned Business [VIDEO]

Family businesses represent about 90% of American businesses, yet many struggle to survive into the 2nd and 3rd generations. This is often due to unclear roles. Here are the 5 vital roles that work together to create a successful family business.

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Employee Engagement: How to Improve Employee Engagement

80% of leaders say they frequently express appreciation, but only 20% of employees agree. Here are five ways to increase employee engagement and benefit from a more engaged workforce.

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CX Part 2: 3 Tips to Enhance Your Customer Experience [VIDEO]

Remember the battle of the white and gold vs. blue and black dress? That conflict was due to our differing perceptions. Likewise, customers’ perceptions of your service or product will define if they become raving fans or give you a one-star review. Here are three simple ways you can improve your customer experience.

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Stress: How to Successfully Manage Stress [VIDEO]

It is no secret that stress impacts every part of our world. In fact, 1 million workers are absent daily due to stress! Here are practical tips on how to successfully manage the stress in your life.

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Conflict: Stop Reacting and Start Responding [VIDEO]

In conflict, many people would agree with the phrase, “Stop reacting and start responding!” But most leaders don't know how to actually do that. Here are three concepts to help you stop reacting to conflict and start responding appropriately.

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Decision-Making: 4 Aspects of Making Great Decisions [VIDEO]

Don’t you wish you could have your own Magic 8-Ball that would tell you how to make the perfect decision? Although that isn’t possible, here are four time-tested aspects of decision-making that leaders can focus on to make great decisions.

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Culture: Why Culture Matters [VIDEO]

The Villanova men's basketball team won two national championships in three years. How did they do it? They focused on their culture. Here are four reasons why a strong culture matters and how to implement it in your organization.

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Teams: How to Manage Team Dynamics [VIDEO]

Relationships are the glue that holds a team together, but managing those different relationships can be difficult. Here are three aspects team members need to understand about each other in order to function at a high-performing and healthy level.

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Imposter Syndrome: How to Keep it Real [VIDEO]

If you have ever taken on a new role or project and felt unqualified, you have likely experienced what some call imposter syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt despite proven success. Here are three simple steps to leading with authenticity and overcoming those feelings.

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EQ: 4 Qualities of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders [VIDEO]

What if you could increase your organization's productivity by one third or your salary by $29,000 per year by focusing on one thing? Turns out you can through emotional intelligence (EQ). Here are four qualities of leaders with high EQ.

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Getting Along: Helping Different Generations Succeed in the Workplace [VIDEO]

With Gen Z joining the workforce, we now have five generations working together – all with different perspectives to foster creativity and innovation but also misunderstanding and conflict. Here are our best tips for helping the young workers in your organization succeed alongside of their older colleagues.

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CX Part 1: How to Create a Customer Experience Strategy [VIDEO]

“How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?” If you aren’t asking this question, you are missing out on valuable information about your customer’s experience. Here are four simple steps that will help you create a customer experience strategy with a lasting impact.

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Meetings: 10 Ways to Make Your Leadership Meetings More Impactful [VIDEO]

Meetings can often be timewasters. Here are 10 tips that will save you and your leadership team hours in meetings by improving your productivity and helping you reach decisions faster.

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Leading with a “Clear Head” [VIDEO]

We all have our own doubts, fears, past experiences, and potential conflicts that have a way of staying in our memories and clouding our minds and decisions. As leaders, we need to clear our heads to be able to lead our team well. Here’s how.

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Candor: How to Balance Truth with Care [VIDEO]

Speaking with candor is easier said than done. People can either speak so directly that they forget how it will affect the other person, or they are so compassionate that the meaning of the feedback is lost. Here are helpful tips for balancing both care and confrontation when giving candor and how to receive it well.

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Succession Planning: How to Prepare for Leaders Leaving [VIDEO]

We are told to prepare for getting hit by the proverbial "bus." But in reality, something far more common may cause a gap in leadership and put our organizations at risk - illness, accident, quitting, or retirement. Here are four steps to help you prepare for succession when a key leader leaves.

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Boards: How to Improve Your Board’s Effectiveness [VIDEO]

A well-functioning team, where everyone understands their role and works together, is a thing of beauty to watch. Sadly, we often see boards that do not function this way. Here are five ways to improve the effectiveness of your board of directors.

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Feedback: How to Handle Feedback as a Leader [VIDEO]

“Can I give you some feedback?” Those six words can be hard to hear, especially for those in leadership. Here are five ways to handle feedback as a leader.

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Conflict: How to Fight Right [VIDEO]

Conflict in organizations and relationships is inevitable. But you have the option to make it valuable by learning to fight right instead of letting it become toxic and destructive. Here are four elements in learning how to fight right.

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